Story Time: Doing my own Lashes

Hi all,

Today I am going be telling you my story of when I applied my own individual lashes for the first time. I loved the results! Hope you enjoy..

First, I started off by cleaning my face to make sure all makeup and dirt is gone- clean slate! I took a makeup remover wipe and scrubbed everything off, then used an astringent to ensure a 100% clean face. When it was time to start, I took out my Ardell Lash Starter Kit and got started. The kit came with small, medium, and large lashes, tweezers, adhesive, and remover. I used a spoolie of mine to brush out my lashes and untangle them. I opened the packaging, taking everything out to look at. When it was time to start, I took the tweezers and picked up an individual lash.

I learned it was best to start on the outside and make my way inside. I mostly used the medium lashes, but also had small ones in the inner corner and long ones on the outside corner. For best results, I dipped the individual lash in the adhesive (A little goes a long way) and placed it right on the lash line, but not touching the eyelid. To stick it right into place I used the butt of the tweezers to pat it in my actual hairs. All I did was repeat these steps until I got my desired look.

This is the finished look! Thanks for listening to my story, I loved the way it turned out!

See ya later,


  1. I have so many questions - like how many times did you have to attach a lash on each side? How do you apply it on the lash line without touching the eyelid? Looks so real!

    1. Yeah you have to be very precise! I used a magnified mirror to help make it easier for me. And the amount that you put on is all up to the look you are going for, I probably had like 25 individual lashes on each side, but I could have easily added more except I wanted a more naturally look!


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